Friday, July 31, 2009


Pornography is defined as any material, be it visual or textual, which invokes sexual arousal. There are debates on whether pornography is good or evil, whether it should be allowed or abolished. This raises certain questions and issues – pornography does pollute the mind, causing one to be absorbed and hooked, also, addicted and hardcore pornography viewers can bring their fantasy into their real life, resulting in assault and rape cases; however, pornography is a billion dollar industry, providing jobs, albeit promiscuous, and helps the economy.

Many people feel that pornography should not be viewed as it pollutes your mind. A stereotypical way of looking at pornography is that it is harmful for one’s mind and is strongly advised not to be viewed. Such views are indoctrinated into the younger generation of our modern times. If one views any pornographic material of any sort, one is deemed “unclean”, “ill-bred” and “perverted”. Henceforth, such mindset is present in many people of our society particularly that of the older generation – those unexposed to the powers of the Internet when young. Also, many people find pornography as a way to satisfy one’s desire, a lust so strong and out-of-the-world it cannot be fulfilled in the real world. The addiction to pornography is comparable to that of drugs. Once you put your feet onto the boat, you cannot want out. Christianity, as well as many religious groups, dislikes pornography as it shows how lustful one is, in contrast to the required abstinence of any sexual thoughts.

Objectification of women is also present in pornography, because women are depicted as tools for men to utilise. Such depiction is not only morally degrading for women, but is also a rather perverted concept. All men and women are equals, and to place them on unequal fronts through perverted means is unreasonable.

However, contrary to prior belief that pornography bears no benefits, pornography is a large industry, where many porn stars are groomed, and total revenue is high. Pornography, over the years, has become an official career option, however obscene it may be. The pornography industry is every growing, and the benefits the economy stand to gain is high. Also, pornography may not be totally harmful; Pornography can be a beautiful art form, where one expresses his/her feelings through nude art. The reason why pornography is deemed morally wrong is because the society itself has made pornography a taboo, where practising or viewing it is considered vile. This suppression of feelings that is resulted is undesirable, as it is human for us to have sexual urges.

Also, pornography can be an outlet of one’s sexual urges. This can also help to reduce stress, by making the body release certain substances that make one experience “high” like that of taking drugs. Henceforth, pornography should not be just regarded as something wrong, but rather, men should learn to explore the good sides of pornography.

I believe that there is no particular way to curb or banish pornography from the face of the Earth. Reason being, that pornography is widely sought after, and available, online. The Internet is a portal so liberal and discreet at the same time, it is hard to track down every source of pornography. Even if action is taken and pornography is removed, people would just continue to post more up. There is no effective way of countering pornography; instead, censorship is employed in many countries. There are two forms of censorship, one being self-disciplined viewer’s discretion, and the other being politically-controlled censoring of obscene materials.

In conclusion, I feel that there should be a certain level of censorship to pornography, however, I feel that people should not just believe what they are told – pornography is purely bad. Pornography has its good and bad points, and I hope that everyone would come to realise that.

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